How to Establish and Meet Your Own Financial Goals


Establish and Meet Your Own Financial Goals

Setting financial objectives for yourself is the first step in organizing your spending, income, savings, and investments. Budgeting for how much you can spend and how much you should save is difficult without a goal. It would also be challenging for you to make steady progress toward stabilizing your finances. Studies have shown that choosing the correct goals is associated with greater performance.

Depending on a variety of personal characteristics, these objectives vary from person to person. It might be for some people to save $1,000 per month. For some, it’s having a net worth of $10 million. There are many approaches to achieving your financial objectives, but the two main ones are almost always to cut expenses and boost income.

How to Define Your Financial Objectives

The widely accepted SMART method, which stands for specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-bound, should be used while defining goals.

Personal financial objectives should be precise and quantifiable. While declaring you’ll save “some” money is not concrete or measurable, setting a goal of $1,000 a month is. Additionally, these goals must be action-oriented. For instance, cutting your monthly expenditure to 50% of your income necessitates action, whereas “I want to be rich” is a too broad and non-action-oriented purpose.

Realistic goals that are time-bound are also imperatively necessary to set. Setting up your goals into short-, mid-, and long-term categories is a popular strategy.

Short-term objectives can be completed in a few months or a year, mid-term objectives can be completed in up to five years (for example, paying off debt or saving for a child’s education), and long-term objectives can be completed in more than five years. 

Always give your financial goals a deadline; it’s good practice. A goal with a deadline, such as increasing your investing portfolio to $10,000 by the end of 2024, is more likely to inspire you than one without one. Additionally, if you have several financial goals, be sure to thoroughly organize and prioritize them.

Methods for Achieving Financial Goals

You can achieve your financial goals in two ways: by cutting expenses and boosting income.

  1. Decrease spending
    • Track your expenditure: You need to know where your money is going before you can reduce your spending. For a month, keep track of your spending patterns and all of your outgoing money. 
    • Establish a budget: Set a spending limit to help you better manage your money by changing your spending patterns and reducing unnecessary costs.
    • Keep to your means: Spend less than you make; maintaining a budget might assist you in stopping going overboard. Avoid making impulsive purchases as well. Although it may be tempting to make an impulsive purchase, give yourself at least 24 hours to think things over.
    • Consistently put money aside: Be careful to set aside a certain amount of money each month. To save at least 10% of your monthly earnings, for instance.
  1. Increased earnings
    • Interest-bearing savings: Place your savings in an interest-bearing savings account to get the most out of them. 
    • Side hustle: Take on a part-time job to get extra money if your primary employment permits. You might look into the gig economy or even launch your own company. Consider ways to make money from your hobbies if you have any. 
    • Passive income: Earning money without actively working for it is known as passive income. Investments in things like bitcoin, foreign exchange, equities, and bonds are frequently the source of this kind of income. Royalties from intellectual property and rental revenue are two other forms of passive income.
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